Shooting Saturday for the video clip of my life. We accompanied my daughter Laura at her graduation after four intense and unique years for all of us. Dozens of exultant young people. mix of sensations : nervous about the relevance of the moment, pride in achievement and ill-contained desire to celebrate in a big way.
Emotional speeches and beautiful songs compensated for the occasional runaway sermon. Moments of glory for each other and a collective sensation of the end and beginning of the stage.

on the stand, teachers and knowledge and learning specialists
in the front rows, talented young people, smiling and ready to explore the new world
In front of the young people and filling the venue to the brim, fathers and mothers watching, admiring and appreciating the fleeting time between enrollment and graduation, pandemic in between.

majority of boomers. Generación aconsejada cuando no impuesta a estudiar para conseguir un trabajoserio” Y “establepara toda la vida. Two adjectives that my children generate more than reasonable doubts
Multigenerational meeting adding positive energy in an event that we make memorable

Graduate to see more and better

The young and not so young, we also need to graduate our vision to detect possible vision problems. Understanding the context and anticipating is increasingly relevant. Times have changed since those parents were kids. A few years of higher education are still very valuable but totally insufficient for a world in constant change.

Graduating for life requires much more time and resources than some knowledge and credentials Click To Tweet

We need more than ever a different and curious look towards the environment, the future and also towards ourselves. The challenges we face and those to come demand of us skills that are not usually trained in the classroom. We need more self-awareness, empathy, constancy, patience, courage to take risks and make decisions, ability to work in diverse teams, motivation and willingness to intentional and lifelong learning, flexibility, resilience…
Skills that as fathers and mothers we have also seen exposed since our children were born. After all, no one trained or certified us for such a complicated and exciting role.

A role in which only our children (beneficiaries and sufferers) they can approve or suspend us, hopefully with indulgence and option to recover in September

We equip them with education, tips and tools to help you along the way. With kindness as a foundation and values ​​as an emotional compass. Also aware that they do not belong to us.

As we usually say at home, they are not our children, intellectual and emotional. Click To Tweet

A change of perspective that reminds us of our responsibility. we are parents, educators and life companions imposed and not necessarily experts. We learn to be fathers and mothers exercising and learning daily. Of our children and other people with experience. We struggle with our egos, fears, biases and overconfidence. With that love as the engine that sometimes also clouds us.
Now for our children and for us a new stage begins. One that also focuses on the job search. Ideally one that they like and are prepared for. One that will surely change partially or totally over the years and the omnipresent technology.

The lifelong job our parents wanted us to have is now learning Click To Tweet

The one that is activated with the awareness that we will never know enough neither about any job nor about that long-distance career that is being parents

And in every career more or less long (student, professional or vital) there is time for everything. Moments when it's time to study, learn, moments to work hard, put us to the test, doubt, to decide, change, suffer, laugh or cry . We will live all those moments accompanied by those with whom we share the path. Like all those smiling faces that took to the stage on Saturday to celebrate their graduation.
This Saturday it was time to enjoy

Joan Clotet

Digital Humanist // Digital Talent Innovation Coach · Advisor · Trainer · Speaker · Author / Committed with People Talent Innovation and #Positive change

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