Laura climbs the rock barefoot as the sea breaks before her morning waves splashing the world. He went out early to run one more day, with her new sneakers and her smile on, to be filled with life as soon as the sun rises. In the middle of the race, he stops on the way to capture the serene view from above with his smartphone and upload it to Instagram sharing the moment with his loved ones., probably still in the arms of morpheus.
Laura has long tasted that shared life in digital, it's more.

One more summer the networks give us ubiquity this summer: Bilbao, Mexico, Costa brava, Andorra, the Balearic Islands, Madrid, india…

Our friends and cyber friends have captured dozens of moments of their summer safari projecting to the world and beyond their shy or determined poses and connecting with soul mates online in an impossible attempt to make them see, hear and feel something similar to your reality for a few moments.

Hace ya muchos siglos que los seres humanos pretendemos robarle imágenes al tiempo en nuestro vano intento de conservar lo que es efímero

but not so long that technology allows us to emulate shared digital omnipresence. We know that every moment is unique, what we see, we hear, we hear, we feel it is something unrepeatable and that's why nos esforzamos en capturarlo y compartirlo a veces en detrimento de saborear cada presente como merece.

Social networks are once again the scene of the great multimedia fair that fills with life and shortens distances between screens. Shy details gain global prominence, conspiratorial smiles connect, we attest to small or great deeds , We spread crescent moons profusely, movie sunsets and gastronomy to frame.

We want to live the present with intensity and fill our future with happy memories, we want to know and make known that in the journey of life we ​​are not alone and each “I like” it is an accomplice wink in that shared journey. Atrás quedarán de momento risas con paella, naps and parties, books that we wear, vistas sin filtro y amaneceres multicolor. Nuestro álbum vital pretende ser grueso y confiamos en tener muchas más páginas que llenar.

Let's saturate our phones and tablets with good times , let's make insufficient any shared wifi but, above all, let's keep our eyes and hearts hungry to continue collecting unique moments for our vital video clip, viviendo antes que compartiendo, to be able to enrich it with the sum of the others

Laura comes down from the rock in front of the water, puts on shoes and continues his run on the dirt road chasing the sun with the wind in his face. Another immortal moment stolen from time. The moments of rise.

Joan Clotet

Digital Humanist // Digital Talent Innovation Coach · Advisor · Trainer · Speaker · Author / Committed with People Talent Innovation and #Positive change

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Guillem Recolons

    Gran post, Joan! Una enorme reflexión sobre una frontera que ya casi no existe: la del mundo de los átomos y la del mundo de los bits. Como dice Andy Stalman, vivimos en un permanente estado OnOff, donde ya no existe lo uno sin lo otro. Laura es quien mejor puede leer esta fusión, una persona que apura la vida y comparte una pequeña parte.
    A hug!

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