As a question or statement, recurring phrase of these last months in front of the screens.
Mas allá de la mudez temporal y torpezas digitales varias la pregunta apela aquí a un tema de fondo, companies that do not listen.
El trabajo remoto ha hecho más evidentes las distancias y más necesarias las preguntas y conversaciones de calidad, on time.
This pandemic caught solid and proudly deaf companies with the changed foot. Esas en las que abundan ego y directivos de vuelta de todo. Leaders come from above with accumulated experience in a century that has already ended 22 years.
"My greatest strength as a consultant is being ignorant and asking some questions," said Peter Drucker., creo que esa actitud aplica a cualquier manager que quiera entender y aprender a tomar mejores decisiones.
Asking requires genuine curiosity and respect for what anyone can contribute. Click To Tweet

The lack of listening seems to me a major clumsiness when in every organization there is accumulated talent and knowledge waiting for empathy and good questions. If we don't listen to each other, we don't understand each other and if we don't understand each other, we will end up distancing ourselves.

In the US, they have paid the price for these distances for a long time. An increase in job abandonment (The great resignation) is cause for concern and analysis . The causes in each market and geography will be different but in addition to precariousness, tiredness or vital reprioritization, I bet there are also many assumptions to the detriment of listening.

In Spain the situation is different. Desempleo y mochilas pesan mucho y contribuyen a positivar situaciones aplazando decisiones para preservar el statu quo cediendo espacio a la rutina en detrimento del imprescindible cambio permanente.
Security comes at a price and in many cases, weighs on the future Click To Tweet.

Además de visión de futuro, una de las habilidades de todo líder es saber generar espacios de confianza donde todas las personas se sientan escuchadas y valiosas, not to look good, but because they are. Leaders should promote the now famous psychological safety de la que nos hablaban en Google creando contextos en lo que no sea extraño que un manager interpele a su equipo con preguntas como éstas:

¿ Qué crees que estoy haciendo yo que nos aleja del éxito ?
What do you need more of me to be successful ?
What is your skill or talent that I have undervalued or underused ?
¿ Qué te motiva y cómo podemos atraer más de eso a tu trabajo ?

Answering them sometimes requires a certain degree of courage. Ask and want to listen, plus.

Questions and active listening bring us closer to the truth. Preguntar y escuchar multiplica perspectivas, wide opportunities, enriches decisions and generates relational links beyond a role and a context
Sólo si preguntamos en lugar de asumir o ignorar podemos descubrir Click To Tweet
I think that people prefer to work in places where we are taken into account. To execute orders and deduct from the data, ya tendremos a los robots

If health respects us and we comply with the average life expectancy, we will spend more than 80.000 horas de nuestra vida trabajando. Too long not to do it in worthwhile companies. Organizations where they ask us and listen to what we think and can contribute. Where to activate the mute be just a form of collective respect to listen to the one who is speaking

This post is dedicated to a friend who has signed up for "The great resignation" now leaving his company after more than 20 years. With your head held high and a clear message, my friend prefers to work in companies with meaning, where people collaborate for shared ideals and challenges, con la ilusión como motor y no sólo con el dinero y el corto plazo como motivación y espada de Damocles.
Mi amigo tuvo el acierto de crear un proyecto propio donde el compromiso y la vocación por sus empleados y sus clientes es motor de crecimiento y genera espacio para que otros crezcan a su lado. Creo que se escuchó a tiempo y tomó sabias decisiones.

Joan Clotet

Digital Humanist // Digital Talent Innovation Coach · Advisor · Trainer · Speaker · Author / Committed with People Talent Innovation and #Positive change

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