Hello “Homo Runner” … what are you doing already awake and running only at dawn? Where are you late? Who is waiting for you? What are you running from? Where are your mental video clips taking you today?? You already know that life is not more or less long depending on the speed at which you live it ?
It's very simple friend … I run away every morning from the warmth of my bed to meet others “runners” and wake up with a cool breeze on your face. A few minutes later, it is the path that moves under our feet and the landscape that moves alongside us saying good morning. The challenge and the illusion take us further and faster every day, although “hamstrings” and tendons often remind us that we are human. I want to be the first to see the sun rise, I want to feel my heart to 80 pulsations (at rest I have 40), I want to feel the reward of the effort, know that I can still, I want to get home and wake up my children with a smile and the satisfaction of homework done good morning. I enjoy being stronger than yesterday and I suffer to be stronger tomorrow. The tribes that thousands of years ago ran to hunt or fight the enemy are now the friends who go out at dawn to hunt dreams and fight sedentary lifestyle prolonging a youth that eludes us.. With time and experience we have become more tactical and enjoy the path and stages more than the impossible goals and challenges..
I no longer fight against the clock or chase big marks because my goals are not measured in seconds but in beats, in sweat, in pride, in personal improvement and in solidarity.
Those of us like me do not do sports for a few hours a day but live most of the time in slow motion to return to being ourselves every morning when the sun rises.
I can no longer follow you “Homo Runner” … my legs do not give for more, but yes I will follow your inspiration and share your feelings. Maybe we'll meet one day, enjoying at a different pace this long-distance test that is life, seeing others “Homo Runners” that they will surely beat us in youth, speed and endurance but that can only match us in the determination and pride of feeling intensely alive every dawn.