another year ends. One year more and one year less. Another opportunity to take stock and focus on the brand new cycle …

after a 2022 intense and convulsive throughout the world, the context often evokes impotence and invites us to a comforting and useless shared lament.

one more december, expert commentators by assignment, Ashen brothers-in-law and Nostradamus of the 21st century will contribute their darkness in meetings, media and networks highlighting the worst of this 2022 and once again projecting frustration on whoever wants to listen.

As a majority and to compensate, the even-tempered, the optimists, those who are inaccessible to discouragement and the protectors of the Christmas spirit will also ensure that these days are of pause, gratitude, celebration and renewal of energy. That precious and scarce thing that should be managed like the one that slaps us on each bill.

December ends a trans-pandemic year inviting us to turn the page with a new look and motivation.

This new opportunity to release ballast for the slaves of inertia begins trying to answer a simple question:

But you, what do you want ?

The answer is usually too conditioned by other interests for those who work on other people's projects. Too close to fear and permanent risk in the self-employed and reviled for those who attribute everything to genetics, luck or fate.

For those who believe that work is not the most determining factor in their lives (although it occupies most of it) the reflection and answer to this question is usually broader and deeper, beyond health, money and love and first step towards what is to come (or rather we have to go looking).

In a troubled context and with so much that we do not control individually, spend some quality time reflecting on what we want (and what not) It seems essential to start a new year on the right foot.

“It doesn't matter how far you walk if you don't know where you are going” decía Confucio y es que en 365 days we will take too many steps not to dedicate the first ones to setting our own attractive course.

To continue pedaling tirelessly boasting of a busy schedule and stopping only when we get a flat tire does not seem like a very gratifying way to travel through the 2023.

In this pit stop context, Years ago I discovered a simple tool that helps us reflect and answer questions that we don't usually ask ourselves every week..

Is about Year Compass initiative promoted by a small group of Hungarians committed to helping as many people as possible to know themselves better and draw their immediate future.

translated to more than 50 languages ​​by volunteers, free and based on questions and space to think, it only requires time and desire to have a productive conversation with yourself

I invite you to take a look at his proposal. I think he avoids answering similar questions in a hasty way when destiny jostles us with conscience. It is also useful for exploring our patterns and learning from one's own experience from a distance..

I join the purpose of those idealistic Hungarians. His initiative contributes to the fact that every year since 2012 thousands of people download the file. I bet less than a thousand read it diagonally. A few hundred dedicate a few minutes to the process and, given the power of the questions, swell the list of pending tasks as one more New Year's resolution.. One of those that rises with the effervescence of the cava and falls with the January sales.

Only a few of those thousands of curious people attend that annual appointment with themselves to reflect and make decisions. (the ones we take in pursuit of our own and full life).

The end of inertia begins with a decision: Brand new year with honesty and quality time.

A couple of hours to train in awareness, self and unlearn, courage and commitment to a few challenges (the right ones) that bring us closer to a better version. a more intimate, challenging and real than the one we show on social networks. The one that will make us feel more fulfilled and fulfilled within 12 months.

In these Christmas parties of excessive consumption give yourself time and take a few decisions seasoned with the energy and contrast of yours as an aperitif. Give yourself a little bit of truth to face the work that you will decide to do to move forward and be happier in another year of those that add up

Happy holidays to all and better 2023.
The first thing is a wish, the second an invitation

Joan Clotet

Digital Humanist // Digital Talent Innovation Coach · Advisor · Trainer · Speaker · Author / Committed with People Talent Innovation and #Positive change

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